gnasher, on 2013-July-04, 07:16, said:
I used to believe this, but then I realised that I'd never actually experienced this advantage. The hands where it occurs are rare, and when they occur you don't usually have enough for 2NT, and the opponents may be in the bidding anyway. And while we're waiting for the right deal to come along, we're leaking information on all the other deals where we don't care about singletons but we do care about overall strength.
In fact, the only reason I ever played a singleton ask was because Phil King had told me it was best, in about 1988.
Valid points gnasher, I think playing pretty constructive weak 2s (8+ to 11) tips it slightly back towards being slightly more frequent and useful since overall strength is already defined. If playing constructive style I'm not convinced feature ask is any more useful than shortage ask (i actually quite like the Svar convention which covers both shortages/6-4s and maximum/minimum. I ripped this from an old Brogeland card:
♠ = Natural, forcing one round (2NT, 3
♥ and 3
♠ is passable)
2NT = Asks for shortage and another suit
♣ = Natural, GF
♦ = Natural, GF
♥ = Natural, GF (preempt over 2
♥, which may be raised to game with at least 6-4)
♠ = Preempt which may be raised to game with at least 6-4/Splinter over 2
3NT = To play (2NT followed by 3NT suggests to play)
♣ = Splinter
♦ = Splinter
4M = To play, no forcing pass.
♥ 2NT
♣=6-4, 3♦ ask 3
♣, 3
♠ = ♦, 3NT =
3♦ = Shortage in a minor 3
♥ ask
3♥ = Min with no shortage
3♠ = Shortage
3NT = Max with no shortage
♣= Void
4♦= Void
4♥= Void in ♠
2♠ 2NT
♣= 6-4, 3♦ ask 3
♣, 3
♠ = ♦, 3NT =
3♦ = Shortage in a minor 3
♥ ask
3♥ = Shortage in
3♠ = Min with no shortage
3NT = Max with no shortage
♣= Void
4♦= Void
4♥= Void
4♠ = Void in ♥, min