gnasher, on 2014-January-19, 09:35, said:
The auction looks a bit odd.
I play ♣AK throwing a heart. Assuming the queen hasn't dropped, I ruff a club high (unless RHO shows out). If the clubs are 3-3, I have enough tricks.
If the clubs aren't good, I cross to dummy, take a heart finesse, ruff a diamond, play a heart to hand, ruff a heart, and come back to hand with a trump.
That needs:
- Club Qx or singleton queen: 20%
- Clubs 3-3 and trumps 3-2: 24%
- Clubs Qxxx=xx and ♥K onside and hearts 4-3 and a bit more: ~ 5%
- Clubs xx-Qxxx and trumps 3-2 and ♥K onside and hearts 4-3 and a bit more: ~3%
So just over 50%.
I played exactly this way, so you made me feel better...however, it turns out the RHO had both 4 trump to the 10 AND 4 clubs to the queen. I got overruffed when I tried to ruff a diamond back to the board after the heart finesse won.
The East hand was:
or something close, I am working from memory...
In terms of the auction, the 3
♠ bid does not promise 3 cards, that's a good point.
Out of curiosity, is North's hand good enough for the 3
♣ jump? That's what set me in the wrong direction for sure...