Cyberyeti, on 2014-July-15, 03:01, said:
At this point, the spade S played to the previous trick has not been turned over and S manages to play it again to this trick.
E pitches a club on the 4th spade, W makes a clear cut error (S is known to be 3244 from the auction as soon as he shows up with only 4 diamonds) and pitches a club, declarer claims 12 but has one more card in hand than the rest of the players. now what ?
Law 67B - Defective trick - After Both Sides Play to Next Trick - said:
After both sides have played to the following trick, when attention is drawn to a defective trick or when the Director determines that there had been a defective trick (from the fact that one player has too few or too many cards in his hand, and a correspondingly incorrect number of played cards), the Director establishes which trick was defective. To rectify the number of cards, the Director should proceed as follows.
1. When the offender has failed to play a card to the defective trick, the Director shall require him forthwith to expose a card face-up in front of him and then place it appropriately among his played cards (this card does not affect ownership of the trick); if
a. the offender has a card of the suit led to the defective trick, he must choose such a card to place among his played cards. He is deemed to have revoked on the defective trick and is subject to the loss of one trick transferred in accordance with Law 64A2.
b. the offender has no card of the suit led to the defective trick, he chooses any card to place among his played cards. He is deemed to have revoked on the defective trick and is subject to the loss of one trick transferred in accordance with Law 64A2.
Net result: South has his tricks less one for the established revoke.