The lead was take by ♦ace - and as it is everything looks like a club switch.
What north doesn't know, the jack is a singleton.
Furthermore, if it was ♣J10, the ♣ 7 looks good.
And the diamond lead looked like a terrific lead so ♦ again, end of play.
What happened was:
After the lead was taked with ♦ ace, south looked for the best option, and returned a club.
West then, hand to think what to do!
West was thinking, sitting and wondering what to do for about 20 seconds, before throwing in the king.
West is a very good player.
I asked west: "What's there to think about"?
"I was thinking if I should play the king or the queen, to confuse north".
What's your comments?
- results stands, due to north's arguments above, but I said to west that it
is absolutely not allowed - it is not in the best interst of the game.
- results stands, due to north's arguments above, but I said to west that it is absolutely not allowed - it is not in the best interests of the game.