gnasher, on 2014-July-29, 01:12, said:
It seems right to play three rounds of diamonds throwing a club. If the third diamond gets ruffed, I have the spade finesse in reserve. Or if it's LHO who's ruffed the third diamond I could guess to play an elimination: throw a club, ruff the club return, play a spade to the ace, ruff the last diamond, and exit with a trump.
That leads to a similar line to the one I chose, which was to cash the ace of trumps and then play three rounds of diamonds. North ruffs with the eight (or you are safe) and now you overruff and exit a club which Morton Forks both opponents simultaneously. If South wins and plays a diamond you ruff and exit a trump, playing for split honours in hearts. If North wins and leads a heart again you play for the ten and jack in different hands. That looks like a better line than the trump finesse. Also it looks right to cash the trump ace first, as you make if North has Kx of trumps.
North had K8x ATxx xx Qxxx
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar