Fluffy, on 2015-January-12, 16:05, said:
I explain everything on the comments. When you switch to an encouraging heart, partner discards that you could have singleton club, you should therefore switch to a discouraging heart if you want partner to switch to clubs.
x QTxxx Kxxx Kxx
I am not so sure I like the logic of leading back a discouraging heart to obtain a club under these
circumstances. In a trump contract and with a dummy that has the needed entries to set up hearts
(if we continue playing them) it seems entirely too dangerous to ask partner to continue hearts
under the circumstances. Since hearts are an obvious danger suit it would seem to make more sense
to worry about dia or clubs as a reentry to hand. IMHO the heart returned should be asking for
the lower ranking of the two non danger suits (this is partnership agreement dependent of course). In
my case a simple low heart would ask for the needed club return.
Lets change the dummy to say xx xxxx Kxxx Kxx now a heart continuation would not be dangerous so we
now have 3 non danger suits and there is no easy way to show p what we really need. Change the dummy
to xx xxxx xxxx Kxx and the scenario becomes really grim since the proper continuation (from partner's
perspective) could be anything. If we return a non encouraging heart (as suggested above) why would
it be asking for a club vs the maybe much more obvious diamond? Free mentioned this concept sort of:)
IMHO the most important signal is one that asks for a ruff (when it is feasible like this hand) and any
other signal denies the desire to ruff and asks p to figure out what to do. This works for not only the
given hand but in my other examples.