So, as West, I showed spades and partner bid hearts. I have no clue what that means (let's assume), and it got doubled. I actually have stuff for my disruption (I don't remember the last time I had an opening bid after p-p-2
♣, assuming 2
♣ wasn't "22 or 8.5 tricks, could be AKJT-ninth in a major"); and partner has a bid to clarify. Why am I not passing?
Oh yeah, partner didn't Alert. He thinks I have hearts. He's going to pass this, and it's going to go for its life. Better make the Unauthorized Panic call.
Sure, I'm assuming something like "bidding to forced level is the worst possible hand". But I can investigate that, too, right? I know if I poll this one out with my level of Flight Bs, I'm going to get lots and lots of "partner must have forgot. 3
♠" and, if I make clear that it was alerted and asked, and partner told us all it showed spades, some of them will *still* bid 3
♠. But I really hope that the poll will tell me that pass is a Logical Alternative.
Now, is North going to pass 3
♥X? She's shown her game force, partner's suggested this is going down, and the colours are right. She has the minors, partner likely has the majors, and one only needs -2 for +500 into +460. I don't think she's going to do it 100% of the time, but it's not unreasonable. Remember, she's not entitled to the information they're having an accident, but she is entitled to their agreements which is that West showed spades, and East bid hearts - and I'm happy to sit for 3
♠X too.
If 3
♥X does get to East, it looks like an autopass.
If North pulls, South will then bid 4
♥. Does that get the point across? Not sure, but I'll poll that one too. Let's assume so as they're the NOS.
So, unless I hear something with the questioning and polling, how about:
- 70% of 3♥x W N/S +2000 (♣K lead seems sane; 4 rounds of trump, North showing strength in both minors, and then a diamond. I'll let West cash out.)
- 30% of 4♥ S N/S +420
(or maybe 60-20-20 5
Now, to the other questions in the OP.
- The fact that some Souths opened this 4♥ (or 4♣ for that matter) and got to 5 means nothing. This South didn't.
- Is 6♥ a doubleshot? The MI has denied me the chance to know there's a spade hole. 3♠ *should* show 7 spades or so as I know West doesn't have hearts despite the table auction. Do we play first or first-and-second cuebids by responder to 2♣? If first, partner could very easily have a stiff spade, stiff heart, and A of diamonds and a card and 6 is on; but it's putting partner on a magic hand. If first-and-second, then clearly either partner is running from 4♥ (which I hope she's not) or we're off two spades. 6 is a crazy bid. Frankly, in Flight B I can see 5♦ as "partner I heard you had hearts and hearts, my suit (that I didn't bother to bid the last two times) is better, because no suit plays well opposite a void." - and at that point, who knows what we can make? If, after several queries, we want to call it a Gambling Action, sure, give 'em a split score.
- misbid is an option for the TD, but we would have to have evidence that beats the presumption of Mistaken Explanation (over Mistaken Bid) that East was right, and they play natural. Having said that, the Unauthorized Panic call still needs to be justified or they're getting a big fraction of down 6.
- should you appeal it? I'd certainly ask the DIC to explain the ruling at least; after hearing what questioning and polling got done, perhaps I'd be convinced that I just got a bad, and not a wrong, ruling. I might also be so embarrassed about my bidding (from both sides) that I'll just let it slide. It might be a club game and I don't care. It might be that it was a split ruling - I don't think I'm appealing a Serious Error 5♦ or Gambling 6♥ ruling - and E/W aren't getting a good score either.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)