Eleven tables played in either 3NT or 4NT, making 12 or 13 tricks, one in 5♣ making 12. No one bid a slam.
I'm sure not everyone can bid 2NT to show 25+ balanced, but just suppose you can. (Our opponents opened 2NT in a strong club system to show just this, you and I might bid 2♣ - 2♦; 2♥ - 2♠; 2NT.)
I argued that this West hand is good enough to make a slam try in clubs, but a teammate countered that East could accept the try with weaker trump support, and then a heart lead could scupper the contract if there's a club loser.
My question is, assuming you can bail out (or bale out) in 4NT if things get too hot, how good does responder have to be to make a minor-suit slam try, and how good does opener have to be to accept it? Use the featured deal to illustrate your answer.