Stephen Tu, on 2019-March-20, 15:06, said:
OK so mikeh has figured out how to go down and is 90% of the way there.
Now find the better play which IMO also implies that it actually *is* right at both IMPs and MP to cash a high heart and go for 12 tricks if hearts are 2-1, because you still make it when hearts are 3-0.
I confess that I don't get it. Since you state that the 'better' line preserves the chances for 12 tricks if trump behave, we have to win the club Ace, and then you have us cash a top heart, which is a play that I would hope I would not make at imps, and would hope I would think about very carefully at mps, and then not make.
Assume RHO fails in trump.
We have no spade to play, so eliminate that.
If we play a second top trump, we have only one diamond ruff available so that holds us to 9 tricks if LHO ruffs our spade play from dummy. So that's out.
If we play a low trump, LHO wins and taps dummy with a diamond (maybe after cashing a club first)
So we can't play a major suit at trick 3.
We ruff a diamond, and then what? we have only one trump left in dummy, and we can't get back to our hand by using it, since we can't then take a second ruff. A spade gets ruffed and the heart jack sinks the contract, so we lead a club perforce. RHO goes in with a card higher than our 9 and advances a spade, on which we pitch a diamond, but LHO ruffs and plays the fatal heart Jack. Or LHO wins the club and tables the heart Jack anyway.
So we can't play any card from our hand at trick 4, if the first three tricks were spade to the Ace, club win by the Ace and top heart with RHO showing out.
I may be doing a face-palm when you show me the 'obvious when you look at it' answer. Maybe, if there is one, I might get to it if I spent a little more time but I'm not going to. Besides, it was presented as an imp problem and it took me maybe 5 seconds to find the line that cannot fail. It took me longer to find a losing line. Having found a solid line to 10 tricks, I am not painting the lily.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Stephen Tu writes 'IMPS (though IMO solution is same at MP) West leads small spade to East's ace. East returns a club. Your plan?'
I often get these wrong. My feeble guess:
Win ♣A, ♥A
- If both follow then claim 12 tricks.
- If LHO shows out then ruff a ♦, ruff a ♠ high, ruff a ♦, top ♠ discarding a loser. If LHO ruffs, then hope defenders don't find a trump promotion.
- if RHO shows out in ♥s but still has some ♠s, then you might make 11 or 12 tricks.
On further thought, this effort seems doomed