I (South) recently had this hand (North dealer) and was trying to get to a 4NT quantitative but couldn't manouvere the auction in that direction and ended up having a punt on 6NT via suit Blackwood exploration. The hand does make 6NT on some leads (and defensive plays) but is really only a 4NT which would have been how the quantitative worked out (3 points short).
Any tips on how to bid this and get to quantitatives. Note that North opened bidding with 1D and the NT responses I considered didnt seem to fit right, so I continued with a 2C force and we ended up exploring a heart slam which I converted to 6NT. But I was trying to get to 4NT. 1NT and 3NT responses were passed by North. The 2NT range wasnt correct either and 4NT response is Blackwood. Should you bid 2NT anyway and risk being passed or should North continue after 3NT. It seems the point ranges are missing something
regards P