DavidKok, on 2021-January-03, 08:07, said:
I don't think its clear to play West for a singleton spade honour, nor for a doubleton in diamonds. With 8 diamonds and 4 clubs outstanding I think other distributions might be more likely.
Regardless, against 1=8=2=2 you have nothing to fear. You can safely cross in diamonds, finesse a spade and win any return, cash the ace of diamonds and ruff the third round in dummy for a repeat of the finesse. This line wins whenever West has a void or any singleton spade along with at least one diamond, instead of exactly singleton honour in spades. Plus it also picks up spades 2-2 with East having at least one honour, provided West doesn't get a club ruff upon winning (so clubs 2-2, East having both spade honours or some strange defensive mistake).
I agree with your assessment, but if he has a singleton in a minor and a trump then the minor suit lead looks quite likely, so 1822/0814/0832/0841/0823 look quite likely with the heart lead.