DavidKok, on 2021-April-25, 03:14, said:
I believe modern standard is that opening on the 2-level in 4th seat shows a hand that would have declined an invitational raise
I think most 2/1 players substitute weak 2 ranges (e.g. 5-11 HCP) with something in the range of ~10-13 give or take a point with a good 6+ card suit. There's no point in opening 4th seat (and partner is a passed hand) if you don't think you can make a plus score. With a good suit, you don't have much left for defensive tricks, so opening at the 2 level will freeze the opponents out of the auction a fair amount of the time.
If you are towards the top end, you would probably accept an invitational raise, and be correct to do so.