Has to be the smallest change I've ever seen make a difference to whether or not a contract makes.
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the smallest difference who said 2s and 3s don't matter
Posted 2021-August-25, 08:29
Just posting this for a bit of fun. This is a hand I had yesterday (the trumps were actually 2-1 the other way in which case it makes in either layout). The play is simple enough once you notice the difference.
Has to be the smallest change I've ever seen make a difference to whether or not a contract makes.
Has to be the smallest change I've ever seen make a difference to whether or not a contract makes.
Wayne Somerville
Posted 2021-August-25, 09:00
There is a squeeze hand Mike H put up a while ago where you need to unblock some small cards so that when you lead a card from dummy you can allow that card to win to retain the lead in the right hand, in a variant of that one you don't even have have to change any of the opps cards, but if declarer has 543 and dummy ??2 the contract is unmakable, but swap the 2 and 3 and it can be done.
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