Bidding (East deals and opens 2 spades)
2♠ - DBL - 3♠ - 3NT
Pass - 4♣ - Pass - 4♥
Pass - 4NT - Pass - 5♦ (1/4)
pass - 5NT - pass - 6♦ (1)
pass - 6♥ - pass - pass
South intended 6♥ as asking for the hQ to play 7N or a heart doubleton to play 7♣.
North explained south must have a strong hand with hearts and didn't bid 4♥ over 3NT since that would have been non forcing. So 4♣ was an advanced cuebid and then he probably needed 2 kings to play 6NT instead of 6♥.
The War of the Worlds started with a "what the hell?... from south" when the tray came back with a pass from pd... Kibitzers tried to run but some of them were not quick enough, some kibitzers are still in hospital with rebound injuries. We have not received information about survivors.
What's your opinion?