Posted 2024-May-07, 12:24
I’m assuming 5=6 for two reasons. East jumped to 4H which would be weird with 3=3 in hearts and clubs (not to mention enough diamonds to worry that that may be their best trump suit) and west bid 5C rather than 5H.
With that in mind, and not elaborating much just now, I win in hand via a ruff and lead a low diamond.
One of two things will happen: West follows or he shows out.
I think I’m down if he follows. I can play for his spade stiff to be an honour, but after I cash the spade ace, the best I can do is pitch a diamond on the heart king, cash the diamond king, play club ace, pitching a diamond, ruff a club, ruff a diamond and ruff a club with the spade 10. But at overruffs and x and exit his last trump. I’m ok if he started with Kx in clubs, but I think that very unlikely.
Otoh, if west is 2=5=0=6, I have chances
Say he ruffs ahead of dummy…. if he holds the heart Queen, he can only exit a trump, which I win in dummy. I play diamond king, ace, ruff a diamond. Cash the club ace, ruff a club, ruff the last diamond.
We’re in a 4 card ending in which east has followed to every trick and is down to a stiff spade honour and xxx in hearts. I’ve only lost one trick! I ruff a club in dummy with dummy’s last trump. East can’t overruff because I hold x void void xx and east will have nothing but hearts left.
So he pitches but that just delays the inevitable. I cash the heart king and ruff a small heart. I’ve scored all my trump in hand! So 5 trumps in hand (one following to the ace, two diamond ruffs and two heart ruffs. I’ve also scored the heart king, two diamonds, the club ace and two club ruffs.
I do need a lot of luck: west to be 2=5=0=6 with the heart queen. Or, less likely imo, to be H AQxxx x Jxxxxxx
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari